Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Gryphonicus list (1500pts)

Hi All, Col.Hertford here again.

Today I’m going to be building a list for the Christmas Game.  The list will be for the mighty Wargriffons! Legio Gryphonicus

We decided on 1500 points, which means I needed to work out what models I need to get built and painted to be ready to play in time.  I will be basing it on the fearsome Myrmidon Battleline Maniple.  The special rule always allows me to pass a first fire of split fire order on a 2+ (on a D10).  This, if used properly, will be devastating.  Allowing me to wither get extra shots in during the shooting phase, or allowing my big guns to perform a coup de grace on an un-shielded titan, while using lighter guns to stripe shields elsewhere.

First up, I’m going to take a Warlord Titan.  I have two nearly finished, so this should make it easier to build the army.  I’m taking a Sunfury Annihilator Plasma Cannon, a Volcano Cannon and Apocalypse Launchers.  This come to the princely sum of 500 points.

Secondly, and rather unimaginatively I’m going to take... another Warlord Titan.  Again this will be outfitted with a Sunfury Annihilator Plasma Cannon, a Volcano Cannon and Apocalypse Launchers.  Surprisingly this also comes to 500 points.

Thirdly, and rounding out the minimum requirements of the Myrmidon Maniple, I’m taking a Reaver Titan.  This is the most numerous class of Titan in Legio Gryphonicus, so it’s a nice fluffy choice. This will be armed with either a Reaver Laser Blaster or Volcano Cannon, a Reaver Laser Blaster, and a (stolen from a Warhound Titan) Turbo Laser Destructor. He sets me back 320 points.

Finally, and mainly because I love the models, I'm taking a minimum strength Cerastus Knight Banner with two Lancers at 170 points.  With a 12" move, they are the fastest unit in the game.  If they can get behind Tylar or King Fluffs titan.... BOOM!!!

So that is 1490 points and a complete army list.  This is the current stage of the models in my force, the Warlords are furthest along.  I have two weeks to get these finished.

What forces do you collect? How do you build an army?  What is your typical force composition? Let us know in the comments below!

The long hobby war continues...


  1. I tried a list like this recently, but i made the mistake of not taking the Apocalypse launchers on both Warlords, and of only taking a Banner of Knights. It packed a punch when it worked, but could leave itself open to other problems with trying to take down Shields.

    1. I've played with a few lists recently and the most fun was one of three Reavers and two Warhounds. Great balance in game and real fun to play as Warlord versus Warlord can be just a slug fest, and a little stagnant after a while.


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