Horus Heresy - The Saygar Mazan: The Road to War...

Back after a post Christmas heresy hiatus my White Scars return with a Vengeance!  So here I am with a dose of upcycling and showcasing the Brotherhood of the Blue Sky.

I’ve plunged my self in at the deep end once more. An up coming appearance on The 30k Channel is enough to make anyone revisit their army for a few touch ups and with the beautiful new and long awaited White Scar decals recently released this gave me a great opportunity to lift some of my White Scar collection. 

These decals are a great addition and really tie the squads and the army together. I'm going to be fighting in Zone Mortalis on The 30K Channel, so I’ll be using my Sagyar Mazan infantry army.  

I’ve marked all the squads along a similar vein but not exclusively. After all, the Scars are individuals organised into informal bands of fighters bonded by blood, kinship or oath.  Theirs is not the rigid doctrines of the Principa Belicosa. To reflect this I’ve used a few different decals to indicate brotherhoods but also campaign awards or veteran status. 

Adding a few, sparse tuffs of grass around the crags on my bases really lifted some of the colours and being green they’re a great counter-point to the red on the models themselves. 

I also went over all the models with Forgeworld's ‘Dark Sand’ weathering powder just to mute the hash contrast between the blue/whites and the red/golds.  

In my next post I’ll go into more detail about my list selection and go through how I got on in a warm up battle agaisnt a friends Space Wolves.
