The Great Crusade - Orks of Thoas

Hello again.

I thought I’d put a little progress post together concerning a newer project I’m working on, that being the Techno-orks of Gorro.

As you know I’ve spent the last few years putting together resources for players to use in order to represent the lost human and Xenos races discovered by the expeditionary fleets during the Emperor’s Great Crusade. One of the races I steered clear of (at the time) was orks. I really felt they were too comical for an inclusion into 30k but after their appearance in some of the Horus Heresy novels and a torrent of people asking me to include them in the project, I decided to take the plunge.

Principally I wanted to start a small force within the 1000pt restrictions of the Xenocide 1 event I'm running in March 2020, so I had time to experiment with building as I went. I do enjoy this way of converting - letting things organically grow from an idea or description (within the limits of what bits are readily available). The key factor for me was that the orks needed to be universally bigger than their 40K equivalents and be a lot more brutal looking. I used a few main sources for the main parts, that of the Orukk Brutes and Megaboss, Skaven Stormfiends and Killa Kans sets.

The Orukk range is perfect for this and only requires the addition of Nob arms and weapons to complete the unit as depicted in their rules (which can be found in the Xenocide I player pack HERE)

The paint scheme for these was very much inspired by the text their description was taken from - namely the short story 'A Wolf of Fire and Ash'. In the story the irks are described as having rusted armour, and with that being a good third of each Ork it was quick to lay down the initial colours. I batch painted the armour on both the Warriors and Ironclads, I started with a Halford's grey primer, then on top I covered this with Army Painter leather brown from a rattle can. Once dry I then patchily over sprayed with some Leadbelcher from Games Workshop, focusing on the blades of weapons and the refractor field generators. Once this layer was dry I applied patches of Typhus Corrosion with a brush. This process was then repeated with Ryza rust. Games Workshop technical paints are great and I found then very good for this type of painting.

Once the technical paints were dry I applied a patchy dry brush of Leadbelcher in order to bring all the elements together.

This is how the finished rusted effect looks:

Once the armour was complete I moved on to the skin. I wanted a more subtle yet darker green than is the standard Ork flesh in 40K - principally to really make it clear at first sight that these greenskins are very much set in the grittier 30k setting.

I used three greens in total (which will be further augmented with Druchii violet around the eyes and lips or possibly a contrast paint but this requires some experimentation), castellan green for the base/shade colour, death world forest for the main colour and death guard green for the highlight colour.

This is how the finished flesh looks before purple washing (I did find it a difficult colour to photograph as it looks so different in different lights).

Next stage with these guys is for details to be painted in such as trousers and teeth etc. I'm looking forward to finishing them off for March's event especially as I now have 1000pts of them built and ready to go.

Super easy to do and as such if you fancy having a go and bringing them to battle then the link to the event is HERE, it would be great to see you there.

And here's a sneak preview of a unit that is soon to get rules in the pack - The Primeork War Chief (and that's a 60mm base he's standing on - for now).

Until next time
