Horus Heresy - Christmas Magik

Hello Everyone!  All of us here at the blog hope you've had a wonderful Xmas with family and friends alike.  Hopefully some of you have been fortunate to receive some plastic and resin wonders.

We thought we would bring you something magical between Christmas and New Year - well psychically attuned at the least.

For a while I've been working on an all terminator armour Imperial Fists army - something I'd like to bring you more of in the New Year.  I've been waiting on some parts to arrive and today they did, so I thought I'd make a start on a new character for my army - a loyal Librarian of the Imperial Fists legion in Cataphractii armour (surprisingly something that doesn't already exist) .

So without further delay here's the kitbash walk through in homage to Nigella Lawson at this seasonal time.


A Calth Praetor in Cataphractii armour (For Legs and Head mainly)
A plastic Cataphractii torso 
A plastic Grey Knight terminator torso 
Spare Cataphractii arms/weapons 
Two Cataphractii inner pads 
Force sword arm from the Deathwatch librarian kit
One 40mm base (flavour optional) 


1.  Chop off the sides of the Cataphractii torso front up to the front edge of where the arms connect. 

2.  Slice down the vents and belt coupling on the back of the grey knights rear torso until you get a flat surface. 

3.  'Nibble' off the inside of the rear of the Cataphractii torso until its level with the pipe work on the sides. 

4.  Glue the Cataphractii vents onto the rear of the Grey Knight torso. 

5.  Glue the trimmed front of the Cataphractii torso on to the front of the Grey Knight torso. This completes the body. 

6.  Clip off the head from the Calth Cataphractii Praetor (be sure to leave a little material on the neck for attaching to the torso) - of course you can source a suitable head from another kit. 

7.  Glue the head in place

8.  Take a Cataphractii power sword arm - remove the sword carefully. 

9.  Carefully trim off the force sword and then glue this to the trimmed arm. 

10.  Attached your chosen weapon arm and the force sword arm, adding the inner pads. 

11.  Trim the top bar from the inner pads. 

12.  Clip the shoulder pads from the torso top from the Praetor kit, trim off the inner details and then stick these onto the inner pads. 

Once painted sit back and enjoy with friends.  The following is a few shots from my WIP that I captured during the process for reference.

There you have it! I think this guy will get a Volkite Charger in his other hand (other options are available).  Look out for the painted final version in the New Year.

I hope you enjoyed the post, and I wish your and yours a fantastic holiday season, now I'm off to eat more turkey and cheese.

