Unity B4 Heresy Blog Round-up and Hobby progress
Hi everyone, Tylar here to bring you the latest round up of the Unity B4 Heresy team progress. We've been busy here at the blog as usual both in hobby and with normal life of late. But we'll kick off with GG and what he's been up to.
GG has been busy these last couple of weeks. There's nothing like a big game to get your motivation going and what's bigger than appearing on the 30K channel?
GG managed to build, covert and paint 3 jetbikes in a week, which for him is an amazing pace of painting!
With that unit complete he's finally finished his 3K White Scars army. But, is an army ever really complete? Hell no! He plans to add a detachment of Sisters of Silence allies and also a few more speedy units such as Land speeders and the new Kyzagan assault speeders.
In addition to his Chogorian Brotherhood GG plans to build an infantry heavy force using the Sagyar Mazan rite of war to be used in Centurion mode / Zone Mortalis games. [Spoiler edit: at time of publishing GG has been playing about with contrast paints for the Luna Wolves he intends to add to this shattered legion force]
This week has been a slow one for King Fluff. He’s still wading through a massive war room clear out so he can spend some quality time in there. He’s not been idle though, he’s started work on a base model for the group Thunder Warriors - for use in our Unification Wars Kill Team expansion.
In AT news he’s picked up yet another maniple box set so he can make a start on his new Legio Suturvora. Lastly King Fluff has been working away at some scenery for his upcoming events in July, October and November.
Mainly I've been working on a few projects between a very hectic work schedule. Unfortunately that's had a big drain on both my time and my hobby however I remained pro-active when I can and I still have made some progress. Firstly is the new Spire Terrain for AT. I've really enjoyed building these kits and there will be a Terrain update soon with both this part of the project and a few others.
GG has been busy these last couple of weeks. There's nothing like a big game to get your motivation going and what's bigger than appearing on the 30K channel?
GG managed to build, covert and paint 3 jetbikes in a week, which for him is an amazing pace of painting!
With that unit complete he's finally finished his 3K White Scars army. But, is an army ever really complete? Hell no! He plans to add a detachment of Sisters of Silence allies and also a few more speedy units such as Land speeders and the new Kyzagan assault speeders.
In addition to his Chogorian Brotherhood GG plans to build an infantry heavy force using the Sagyar Mazan rite of war to be used in Centurion mode / Zone Mortalis games. [Spoiler edit: at time of publishing GG has been playing about with contrast paints for the Luna Wolves he intends to add to this shattered legion force]
This week has been a slow one for King Fluff. He’s still wading through a massive war room clear out so he can spend some quality time in there. He’s not been idle though, he’s started work on a base model for the group Thunder Warriors - for use in our Unification Wars Kill Team expansion.
In AT news he’s picked up yet another maniple box set so he can make a start on his new Legio Suturvora. Lastly King Fluff has been working away at some scenery for his upcoming events in July, October and November.
Mainly I've been working on a few projects between a very hectic work schedule. Unfortunately that's had a big drain on both my time and my hobby however I remained pro-active when I can and I still have made some progress. Firstly is the new Spire Terrain for AT. I've really enjoyed building these kits and there will be a Terrain update soon with both this part of the project and a few others.
With the next full outing of the Blog members looking more likely to be the Greetings event in October I've been making some additional purchases to aid bolster my forces. I have to say I've been really lucky of late and managed to get some great deals through some really nice guys on the Facebook Heresy Trading page. To that end I've managed to add a lot of miniatures that would have taken some time to build and paint and more importantly more money. So if you recognise any of your mini's thanks for the great additions to my expanding forces.
I've also decided to finally look at other legions. First up was another great buy on Heresy Trading of a small Salamander Force. I plan to add them as a potential Shattered Legion allies force further down the line. There's about 50+ marines 2 Contemptors, some Fire Drakes and my favourite the Pyroclasts. I plan to add to those some breachers too when I get the chance.
Finally 'Project Drop Pod' had some reinvigoration yesterday and the two originals I purchased from Heresy Trading are soaking as we speak in prep for paint removal.
So there you have it folks whilst we've been away we've still been beavering away and after a likely busy week next week I'll be firmly back on the Heresy and AT train in July prepping for events and gaming sessions far and wide. So keep your eyes peeled like and follow the page for further updates and get ready for an upcoming review from King Fluff on some great terrain.
Let us know in the comments below what you've been up to, what hobby projects you have on the go or ask any questions.
Only In Death Does Duty End
- UntiyB4Heresy Team
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