Unity B4 Heresy Blog Round-up

Evening everyone!  Another round-up has arrived.  And in keeping with long weekends slightly later than planned😁  We've had some great releases from Forgeworld and Games-Workshop this past week.  Fans of Knights will be pleased that full house rules are coming in the shape of the Molech book and Warlord Princeps can rejoice with new weapon load outs.   I personally and other members of the bog are excited about the additional scenery options in the spires sets they are awesome!

Fantastic new scenery additions

On to the Hobby!

This week King Fluff has been wading through his existing hobby projects.  He’s managed to fix the broken Orions (which he broke trying to dry fit the fin on an engine block) he’s mainly been playing games this week - principally play testing the rules he’s written for the Titandeath at Jerulas Station event - a 28mm battle royale set in the Catsclysm of Iron story arc happening in November.  

He’s also been one third of a loyal triumvirate pitting nearly 10,000 of Custodes and Ultramarines against a traitor contingent of Dark Angels on Caliban supported by knightly houses.  From here on out he’s on holiday so hobby progress next week may well be slow going.

Col.Hertford has been limited in his hobby time of late.  He’s finally picked up Mini Bellator Ferrum and started his traitor House Makabius Knights.  

This week, he ordered the Doom of Moloch and is very interested to see if knights are a viable list.

This Easter GG has mostly been… travelling.  Up to the far northern wastes of ‘not Scotland’ or, Newcastle as some call it and now currently in glorious Yorkshire.  Which means he has been doing scandalously little actual hobby save finalising the battle report for the first instalment of the Chondax campaign he has been running thorough.

Myself I've been busy with work trying to shoe-horn in projects and gaming this week.  I've been trying to complete some terrain whilst get things ready for some well earned hobby with a few days off.  I did get some Adeptus Titanicus gaming in which was fun and have play tested another new scenario thanks to Steve with him and some gaming mates rolling dice and trying break it in. 

I was up until 0400 Sunday morning playing an epic battle between three Reavers and two Warhounds of the mighty Legio Gryphonicus against their arch rivals the equally mighty Legio Mortis.  Again I can't thank Steve enough for allowing us to play using his minis.  Admittedly we started late lol and being tired it took its toll on remembering rules and adjusting our eyesight for shooting 😆

Suffice to say Mortis were victorious after a cataclysmic loss due to an Engine Kill on my part.  My opponents Warhound went nova, scored maximum hits on the closest Gryphonicus Warhound stripping it's shields as the VSG went down and then taking even more body shots leaving it basically dead in the water with the Moderati and Steersman dead and the Princeps in body shock from the MIU feedback.  The Reaver next to it also took hits also dropping its voids as the VSG blew out leaving the Engineseer fighting to control a fire and trying to bring the generators back on line.

With mortis lining up the kill shots with the two Titans almost ready to conduct emergency shutdown, neither were long for the world and despite their best efforts life-saver protocols failed on both titans and the ejection sequences failed.  After this we decided to call it and Mortis stalked the field warhorns bellowing whilst Gryphonicus retreated to safe distance hoping to return and possibly salvage their God-machines another time. 

First shot of the scenario.

It's another great little scenario which I'll be bringing to you later in the week.  Again it's not a 'this is how it should be played', but more of a 'this is how we played go have fun' scenario.  Bringing these types of scenarios to gaming is helping teach others how to play and they require only a few models and some imagination.  In this case a small Kill Team sized area two Warhounds and two old Epic Rhinos.  But more on that later in the week.

I hope you've all had a great long weekend with friends and family and despite the glorious weather maybe you've managed to get some hobby in too 😂👍

If you'd like to know more or have any questions please comment below and don't forget follow the blog for early access to WIPs, projects and of course the Weekly-Roundup. 

Only In Death Does Duty End

- Tylar, King Fluff, JohnGG, Col. Hertford
