Unity B4 Heresy Blog Round-up

Evening everyone!  Tylar here with another round-up from all of us here at Unity B4 Heresy.

Firstly the Facebook link debacle from last week's round-up. We are of the belief that somewhere an individual has 'potentially' reported the post. There nothing to say this was the case as Facebook doesn't give you a reason.

However the response from around the various closed groups and pages we are apart of, have all lent their support and stated that the admins have not made roads to block or delete out posts.
In reply I'd like to send a heartfelt thank you to those who have responded to me and us directly as without the community pulling in the same direction either through blogger or through Facebook none of this would be possible.

We've looked into it and it would appear that the ban on the URL is 30 days. So we'll see. There is a possibility that it was also a Facebook algorithm looking for spam bots but again with no explanation we just don't know. Anyway enough of that. Onto to the Hobby!!

This week has been busy at work and at home. I've had a re-jigg of my hobby room but all I've done really is move boxes of things from one side to the other in an effort to tidy lol. However I'm getting there and when it's looking better I'll post up some shots.

Hobby wise I've started the cleaning process for the new Dreadnaught Drop-Pod I unveiled a few weeks back and that will be getting a good soak followed by a scrub and another soak before a clean up and onto the build. So stay tuned folks.

Secondly I've been testing out further paint schemes using the quick tips Blake Spence was kind enough to share and explain during one of the AT Terrain seminars at the Weekender. So far so good and with a touch up at the end with the airbrush before detailing I think they'll look great. Let me know what you guys think in the comments below.

Remember this guy?  Well, suffice to say I'm dusting off the scratch building skills and looking to work on a Blog Project with King Fluff.  Watch out for future up dates.  May the Omnissiah protect us in our exploration 😉

This week Col. Hertford has been extremely busy.  He completed cutting the gates of his second 28mm Warlord Battle Titan, Osores Perniciosa (Haters Bane).

He also made progress on the assembly of his Warbringer Nemesis Battle Titan, Nox Terrorem (Night Terror).

He built a table top for gaming on (this was long overdue)

Finally, he built a large amount of Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Knights, here’s a small teaser.

This last week King Fluff has been knee deep in new scenery builds for thematic tables to populate the worlds of Arl’yeth & Arachnis for his forthcoming sold out event ‘The Cataclysm of Iron I’. Once the event is concluded he intends to return to his Night Lords legion to get them battle ready for Tabletop Banter’s Hope’s Folly event in May.

Not something you want to see coming at you from the other side of the battlefield!

So there you have it folks another week filled with hobby and things going on.  We're still working in the back ground to bring our first 'Friends of the Blog' post and with a bit of editing wizardry and some photos it will be all thrown together nicely 😂

Thanks for reading, hit follow and feel free to comment below.

Only In Death Does Duty End

- Tylar, King Fluff, Col. Hertford
