Unity B4 Heresy Blog Round-up

Good Evening everyone! Welcome again to the weekly round up from everyone here at the blog.  Some exciting things coming your way next week, hopefully the first of our future 'Friends of the Blog' series of posts.  These will be posts from people close to us here at Unity Before Heresy who have some great hobby experiences to pass on.  As such we'd like to share those experiences or skill-sets across the blogosphere with you guys.

Secondly anyone that was at the HH Weekender 2019 and ordered Book 8: Malevolence should have had a notification that it's on its way.  Having never played Blood Angels, White Scars or Daemons I'm actually really looking forwards to this book having seen a lot rules and artwork at the Weekender.  I'm sure that there are a lot of you out there looking forwards to this so watch out for a review as soon as it's in hand!  I'm currently listening to the audio book of Fear To Tread again to get me in the mood.

As for what we've been up to, well on to the round-up 😊

This week Tylar has been able to get some more paint on his Titans and is almost cresting the hill ready for the smooth go-kart race down the other side to the finish.  Without more than an hour or so an evening for hobby he's been unable to break the back of it.  However stay tuned as they're coming on well and starting to look really good.  He's also started to colour test his paint scheme for his buildings more on that to follow in the week.

Over the weekend he met up with some friends of the blog and undertook in some 'Beer and Pretzel' style AT gaming.  This was based around a fantastic scenario involving a lone Warlord Titan fending off a multiple attack from a pack of three Warhound Titans.  Come back tomorrow night for a full run down of the fun scenario and then have a go yourself and let us know how you get on!

This week Col.Hertford built a new Reaver (melta and chainfist set) and two additional Warhounds for his Legio Mortis set.  The picture above is nearly the full maniple.  Two more are required before I call it built (unless the Rapier, Warbringer or another new titan is release.  He also assembled two Cerastus-Knight Lancers which will form the start of his House Makabius force allied Knight House.

He also had a battle with a fellow member of the Titan Owner's Club Blog.  His Legio Mortis engines faced off against Col. Hertford's Regia Battleline Maniple of Legio Gryphonicus.   While Col.Hertford was ultimately Victorious, it was a close run thing.  Only a lone  critically damaged Warhound survived the battle.  This is the latest in a running battle between these forces, and the conflict will continue.

This week King Fluff has been working between his Adeptus Titanicus Force and his Imperial Fists Fury of the Ancients army. Mainly painting tiny Titan bases and building contemptor dreadnoughts. This coming week he’ll be digging some MkIV dreadnoughts out of storage and priming then yellow. From this point onwards his focus will be on getting the scenarios written and scenery prepped for his sell out event: The Cataclysm of Iron I.

Only in death does duty end.
- Tylar, King Fluff, and Col.Hertford


  1. Hey, thanks guys for providing awesome Titan content. :)
    Hope you don`t mind me asking, how do did and paint the bases. Is there a tutorial somewhere? And if not, can I have one? ;) Keep up the great work

    1. Hey Felix - the bases are very quick and dirty in terms of paint - here’s the break down;
      Prime in Halford's grey primer

      Over spray with black primer, Mounfang Brown (or equivalent) then grey primer again, whilst still wet.

      Heavy over brush of Zandri Dust, Rakarth Flesh then Administratum Grey.

      Paint in metal grills etc. with Leadbelcher, dry brush with zandri dust.

      Wash with watered down Agrax Earth Shade. Retouch any areas that need darker shade with neat Agrax.

      Base edges stormvermin fur.

      Hope that answers your question - I’ll be putting up some pics of the finished bases soon.

    2. Thanks for the write up. Nice and simple, I like it :)

    3. No use making it complicated 😊 I think it was actually a tutorial published in white dwarf waaaaay back when the realm of battle boards were released. I find it works great on rocks and for areas of concrete or even on buildings (not that there’s an post coming in this soon at all or anything πŸ˜‰)


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