Unity B4 Heresy Blog Round-up

Well howdy all.

What a week it's been, the pinnacle Heresy event in the calendar happen this week and hopefully your appetite for Heresy is even more fierce after seeing what Forge World and Specialist Games have in store for us in the next three months. As for the UB4H crew, we've been squirreling away at our own projects in order to bring you this weeks update. 

King Fluff has been busy writing a few list for various events coming up in the next few months, this inevitably leads to new models and ideas flowing. To this end he has started formalising his Fury of the Ancients list for Imperial Fists. He's begun to assemble his contemptors and one of the mandatory HQ units, from here he still needs to build the MK4 dreadnoughts he has stored away, once he can find them.

Over the last two weeks, Col.Hertford has started work on a Traitor Legio for our Adeptus Titanicus battles and campaigns. It seemed right and proper that the Legio Mortis was selected. This is what I have built and started painting so far. I’ll be posting more about these in the next week.

This week Tylar has been prepping more Terrain for Adeptus Titanicus most importantly he's been looking at his new purchases of the New Dreadnought Drop Pod and GAMMA AT terrain tile. Keep checking the blog for updates and additional posts on these fantastic releases.

So that's where we are at this week, join us over the next few days for more in depth looks at what we are working on, be sure to subscribe and we will see you very soon.

Only In Death Does Duty End
- Tylar, King Fluff and Col.Hertford
