Adeptus Titanicus - Survival Scenario

Good evening guys welcome to another AT related post.  So for those that have read the round-up you may remember I mentioned an AT related Scenario, for those haven't well you're in for a treat.  A friend of mine Steve suggested a scenario that we could take turns playing seeing if one of us could be successful in achieving the aim. 

I'll be honest at first it seemed fairly simple. I can tell you now it was not. And after 12+ games over Friday and Saturday I can tell you now one side was horrendously outmatched every time. 

The Scenario is based on a Warlord being ambushed by a pack of Warhounds. The Scenario involves:

One Warlord Titan armed with Two Belicosa Volcano Cannons and carapace mounted Apocalypse Launchers.
Three Warhounds each armed with a Plasma Blastgun and a Vulcan Mega Botler.

10 to 12 pieces of small terrain with no more than two stories are randomly placed across the 4 x 4 playing area, leaving the centre and corners clear to allow for the Titans to be placed.

The set up places the Warhounds in three corners of the board facing the centre.  The Warlord is place in the centre spot and may choose to face anywhere it wishes.

Below is a rough sketch version of the map we used. The round scenery was the domes from the Sector Mechanicus terrain sets

The game begins with the Warlord in the centre with the initiative.  The rules are simple.  The Warlord must survive Four full game turns, the Warhounds must kill the Warlord.

I can tell you from the games we played which was somewhere between 12-15 over the two evenings the Warlord survived once.  Yes, you read that correctly the Warlord survived once.  And at Steve's own admittance, he and I played the final game where the Warlord survived, it was all through lucky dice rolls.  Or in my case unlucky dice rolls.

Now by this point we had been through a few iterations of Warlord load-outs changing from Belicosa's to Sunfuries a mix and back again.  Suffice to say that the Warhounds in the final game were sporting a combo of Turbo Laser Destructors and Vulcan Mega Bolters on two Warhounds and one Warhound with a Plasma Blastgun and a Vulcan Mega Bolter.

And as you can see none of us thought to take any pictures 😆

The final Laser Destroyer shot failing to hit gave the win to the Warlord, it was cored out and this particular instance it limped from the battle field, war-horns blazing, smoke billowing but with it head still aloft.

I'd like to personally thank Steve Ralph for letting me post this version of his scenario, Big Iain for aiding in the play testing and just general shenanigans of the whole thing, Modo Spanner for hosting at his home, and Mark T, aka Warhound for being a good sport after I cored out his Warlord and left it a smoking wreck in one and a half turns, proving the Warhounds in this scenario are not to be messed with.

So please go try it out and let us know how you get on.  We'd love to hear your experiences.  And if you're a Dan Abnett fan there will be a follow-up narrative scenario post soon you may recognise.

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Only In Death Does Duty End

- Tylar


  1. Thanks for this! Have not played it yet, but yes, it looks tough for the Warlord even on the surface

    1. Schoon give it a whirl it's great fun. Super hard playing as the Warlord jonmatter what load out you take. Let us know how you get on 👍🏼


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