Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Gryphonicus: Ferrum Ruptor

Hi all, Col.Hertford here with another completed model.

This is the second of three Warlord Titans that will make up the heavy component of my Legio Gryphonicus Demi Legio.  This is the junior Titan in the Myrmidon Battleline Maniple.  The Titan will be getting a new head (Beta) next week when I receive the newly released weapon sprues.

I’m looking forward to building more weapon options two.  The idea of having twin plasma for dealing with pesky light Titans gives me a small bubble of joy.  Gryphonicus are usually noted for smaller Titans, but I’m pretty sure that I will often field the big boys.

The base plate is from

I hope you like the results. Gryphonicus will march to war soon!
