King Fluff presents Events

Hello again. Over the last 12 months you may likely have seen a lot of posts centered around forces and scenery I was preparing for the various events I had scheduled for the coming season of war. These events range from a narrative arc exploring the conflicts of the Cataclysm of Iron set during the Horus Heresy to the glory days of the Great Crusade as mankind explored the stars and ended the oppressive regimes of xenos tyrants. My aim was to lay on a smorgasbord of narratives and game systems to not only cater for existing players in their preferred system but to also allow players to experiment in other systems or story lines. Currently we have planned events that cover Age of Darkness, Age of Darkness with the Great Crusade expansion and a very special culmination event which draws the series of events to a close. These events have now been planned right through 2021 and 2022, providing opportunities for veterans of the Cataclysm of Iron and new recruits alike to fully immerse th...